Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Anti-Aging Supplements - Secrets Revealed!!

What is an Anti-aging Supplement?

When we age our body goes through a series of changes, and these changes were simply known as aging, up until a few years ago that is. Until this discovery the aging process was simply accepted, and although we didn’t like it, there was nothing short of surgery that could slow it down. The only problem with surgery is it is a cosmetic fix, and aging is an internal process. When we have plastic surgery to make it appear we are younger, our skin looks great, but our cells and the internal workings of our body are still aged and not functioning at their optimal levels. The purpose of an anti-aging supplement is to slow this process, and some what restore the body to a younger more balanced state.

Not too long ago researchers made a link between certain actions inside the body and the "normal" aging process. To completely understand what an anti-aging supplement does you must first understand the aging process itself. Genetics were once thought to be the deciding factor of when, and to what extent you aged, we now know that this is not true, genetics do have a role in the aging process but it is rather small and in no way the deciding factor of your aging process. What does however play a large role in the aging process is the loss of antioxidants.

Researchers have come up with an ingenious way of describing the aging process…Oxidation. You know how when you leave something outside and it gets rained on and exposed to the elements, it rusts? Well, another word for rusting is oxidation, and this is essentially what our aging bodies are doing, according to the scientists. The only difference is when scientists use the term oxidation, when referring to a human, they are talking about free radicals running wild in the body. And everyone knows that free radicals are the cause of aging. What most people don’t know however is that free radicals exist in the body at alarming numbers, and we have an extremely depleted supply of anti-oxidants to try and fight them.

Anti-oxidants exist in our body in massive amounts when we are young. When we start to age this number significantly decreases and the free radicals take over. Anti aging supplements are full of anti-oxidants, and while these anti aging proteins can be found in very small numbers in certain foods, rebuilding your body’s supply through diet alone is impossible. Increasing your body’s natural army against these nasty free radicals has proven to help fight off certain middle aged diseases, and even make you look years younger because your body doesn’t age as quickly. Are anti-aging supplements the fountain of youth? Most likely no, but they are a promising start!

Anti Aging Supplements

Supplements play an important role in making you look and feel younger. There are many anti-aging supplements on the market today and option varies widely as to their effectiveness and to any possible health hazards. Anti aging supplements are known to work in different ways in combating the aging process.

Supplements containing DHEA (Dehydroepiandorsterone) is believed to slow down the aging process, increase your sex drive, and assists in removing fat from the body. DHEA is also being tested for its ability to prevent and fight certain types of cancer. Scientists believe that the human body production of DHEA peaks at around 25 years of age and by the age of 80 it has dropped to less that 10 percent of that amount. It is often referred to as the Anti-Aging Hormone because specific DHEA receptors are found in cells throughout the human body.

Research on DHEA is still ongoing and the positive effects can be highly beneficial you should also consider the possible side effects prior to starting any type of hormonal anti-aging therapy. Some research has shown that DHEA can damage the liver and may be harmful to the prostate gland.

Phytonutrients found naturally in fruits and vegetables can significantly reduce the risk of cancer because of their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Aspirin was originally extracted from the bark of the White Willow Tree and is now synthetically produced has pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. Taxol was initially extracted from the Pacific Yew Tree and is the number one drug used for treating Cancer.

Diindolylemthane is another Phytonutrients found in vegetables such as Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Kale and Brussels sprouts used in the treatment of cancers caused the Human Papilloma Virus. The National Cancer Institute of the United States is testing this compound in the treatment of prostate, lung, colon, and cervical cancers. Phytonutrients is believed to be destroyed by cooking and by modern food processing techniques. For this reason only fresh uncooked Phytonutrients should be consumed.

Lycopene found in tomatoes is in clinical trials for Prostate cancer and Heart disease. It has been shown to improve blood flow throughout the human body. A nutritional study has shown that a diet rich and broccoli and tomatoes was more effective in limiting prostate cancer growth than any of the leading drugs for prostate cancer.

Bioflavanoids provide visible benefits to the anti-aging process such as reducing wrinkles, improving skin tone, helping to prevent sagging skin as well as improves pigmentation.

Substances called Antioxidants can neutralize free radical by pairing up or binding with the free radical elections thus inhibiting them from damaging cells in the human body. Natural Antioxidants are abundant in fruits and vegetables such as, apples, blueberries, broccoli, cherries, cranberries, Grapes, spinach, and Spirulina a blue-green algae.

Studies of the Greenland Eskimos lack of heart attacks have show that Eico-Sapentaenoic Acid (EPA) lowers blood cholesterol considerably, even more than polyunsaturated fat does. It also triggers a major drop in triglycerides. Salmon Oil is one of the best known sources of natural EPA.

Fish oil contains omega 3 and fatty acids, which have been shown to stimulate the brain and increase memory and mental awareness.

Foti also called He Shou Wu in China is legendary in its ability to lengthen life. Modern studies have show that Foti has the ability to lower serum cholesterol, prevent premature gray hair, promote red blood cell growth, and to increase longevity on a cellular level. This herb raises the level of the naturally occurring antioxidant Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) in the body.

Anti-Aging supplement can be very effective but they must be used in conjunction with a healthy diet. Care must be take to also ensure that you remain active both physically as well as mentally. If you just feel that you need vitamins, supplements or herbs to fight the aging process then find a good health care professional prior to starting any type of home treatment.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

Anti Aging Supplement Cocktails

Anti aging supplements are shown to replenish what the body has lost over time. They can reinvigorate skin, muscles, internal organs, hair and other parts of our bodies. For the baby boomer generation, the quality of life is becoming an all-important topic. Anti aging supplements are the newest craze in the war against wrinkles, lines, puffy eyes, sagging body parts, hair loss and lack of energy. Fighting signs of aging from the "inside out" is the best way for people to get an edge on battle with the aging process.

The most effective anti aging supplements is the cocktail form of supplements that contain a number of different drugs and ingredients. These anti aging supplements attempt to correct all the factors that are contributing to the aging process within our bodies. Generations of grandmothers have prepared hot honey drinks and chicken soup to soothe sore throats, calm frayed nerves, ensure a good night's sleep and to fight the common cold.

Anti aging supplement can be very effective but they must also be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and plenty of exercise. The exercise that I am talking about is not only the physical type but also of the mental type. Why have a physical body that is in great shape but your mind is in neutral.

Anti-Aging supplement cocktails are not about creating an ageless society. It is not about miracle cures, virtually immortality or about discovering the fountain of youth. It is learning about what can be done to live a long, healthful, and a more productive life.

As we become older it is really hard to get all the vitamins and minerals our body strives for on a daily basis. Using the FDA recommended dosages of vitamins and minerals no longer works for the baby boomer generation. Up to one-third of older people can no longer absorb Vitamin B from their food so taking two, three, four, or even seven hundred percent of the recommended dosage has become common practice.

The first thing you need to keep in mind when designing a supplemental cocktail that some vitamins, such as vitamin A, can build up to toxic levels in your body. Vitamin A is stored in the liver and fat cells in your body and can reach toxic levels very quickly when taken in the mega dosages. DO NOT take more than the recommended dosage for Vitamin A.

The second thing to keep in mind is does the anti aging supplement cocktail you are taking work for you. We are all different and will age at different rates and our physical and mental requirement will differ. If you are taking large dosages of Vitamin B and you notice an increase in your energy levels they you are on the right track. Is taking two hundred percent above the recommended working or do you need to increase the dosage to over six hundred percent to notice the effect. If your energy level seems to be ok and taking mega dosages of vitamin B does not seem to improve it then perhaps you are one of the lucky people that does not need to take this particular supplement.

Getting a little fussy in the mental area then consider taking lecithin. It has been shown to improve memory and learning and it also has anti-depressive effects as well. Every time I notice that I do not seem to be as sharp as I should be I take lecithin and by the next day I am back to my old brilliant self. One dosage seems to last me about six weeks and since I am not only brilliant but also very cheep, do I do not take it every day. Listen to your body and take what works for you and forget the rest.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.